Aalto University's Habitare exhibit focuses on food and catering equipment


Carried out in partnership with Savo Oy, the CounterCulture project concentrates on product development.

Photo: Chikako Harada

The aim of the project is to research, design, and produce new equipment and extra components for kitchen fittings, as well as food storage, preparation, and serving solutions.

The project's designs focus on the notion of the kitchen as first and foremost being a space for food preparation. Further inspiration comes from people's changing dining and cooking habits, which are simultaneously becoming more internationally and locally-oriented.

According to Aalto University lecturer, Martin Relander, the design process adopted by the project emphasises the ecological and health-related issues associated with food preparation, as well as producing and using organic and local ingredients in a smart and responsible way.

In terms of its fixtures and fittings, the kitchen is one of the most expensive spaces in any home, consuming both a lot of energy and raw materials.

– Using ingredients in a smart and responsible way, separating waste,  and recycling are all important parts of taking care of ourselves and the environment, says Project Assistant Noora Liesimaa.

The results and prototypes produced by the CounterCulture project are on display at the Habitare fair from 10 to 14 September (Aalto University's exhibition section 7p36). In addition to Martin Relander and Noora Liesimaa, Professor Jouko Järvisalo is also involved in the project.
