Environmentally friendly solid wood chairs going to Milan Furniture Fair


Ecological considerations, which are among the guiding principles in the process of furniture design, are among the characteristics written into good design. They also form a part of the world view of a responsible person.

It is with this thought that Aalto University students of furniture design have worked with domestic pine to manufacture solid wood seats as part of the EcoDesign exhibition of the Milan Furniture Fair to be held on 8-13 April.

Wood furniture speaks of ecological considerations both with respect to the choice of materials and the design of the structure. Wood is renewable, organic and biodegradable. As a material local pine is beautiful, light and durable, and allows for an aesthetic outcome.

The exhibition, which is being set up in Milan, showcases furniture of high artistic quality. Its designers include Kaija Aalto, Anne Kärki, Laura Huhtakangas, Katja Rouvinen, Jan Feictinger, Minni Sirelä, Erin Turkoglu and Veera Sievänen.

Exhibition architecture by the School of Arts, Design and Architecture

The planning of the Finnish EcoDesign exhibition at the Milan Triennale is the responsibility of Aalto University Professor Jouko Järvisalo, Lecturer Martin Relander and Assistant Noora Liesimaa together with five MA students of furniture design.

– It is an honour for us to have been invited to design the exhibition architecture for EcoDesign as La Triennale di Milano is the place where Finnish design first made its breakthrough in the 1950s, says Professor Järvisalo.

Showcased in the exhibition area will be the best of the EcoDesign products exhibited at Helsinki's Habitare Fair over the past five years as well as  products made out of the thermoformable wood material UPM Grada.

– La Triennale is a great place to show what Finnish design and design training are today, Järvisalo continues.

The Furniture Repertory publication will be available at the Triennale on 8 - 13 April.  The book is a profusely illustrated work of nearly 200 pages, telling the story of furniture design at Aalto University and its best results from the past ten years. The writers of the book are Martin Relander and Noora Liesimaa.

Further information:
Professor Jouko Järvisalo, jouko.jarvisalo [at] aalto [dot] fi, tel. +358 50 40 84 345
Lecturer Martin Relander, martin.relander [at] aalto [dot] fi, tel. +358 40 59 24 992
